My name is Garnet, I am the sweetest little boy you will ever meet!

My name is Garnet, I am the sweetest little boy you will ever meet!

Health of parent dogs is super important but how your puppy is raised is critically as important. Puppies need footing from birth to 8 weeks old. Some breeders don’t know puppies need traction to develop properly, each foot needs to stay underneath them, it is essential from birth to 3 weeks of age. If the puppies are sliding or what we call swimming, throwing each leg out to each side, there is a good chance of tearing those tiny ligaments in the hip joint. If puppies are born on a slippery surface such as swimming pools with blankets, always sliding trying to get up to mom to drink, they can damage their ligaments very easily from the first day of birth. This can result in early ligament tears causing hip dysplasia.

We use textured rugs made with rubber backing for this very purpose. They are made specifically to fit the whelping box with Velcro corners for extra security. Puppies are safe and have traction. Puppies are able to move quickly back to mom because they have stable traction. Puppies are almost always able to walk earlier because they are stronger.

Our puppies are almost potty trained, they know how to use a doggy door. They are learning sit and come. They are exposed to pheasant and duck wings. They are exposed to something new several times a week. We start teaching puppies to look right at you when you talk, which makes an easier training for whatever avenue you would like to take them. They learn how to go up and down steps. They learn different footing, climbing, swings and tunnels. They have an excellent start and are not worried when you bring them home.

If you are interested, please fill out our application and read our buyers agreement and I will give you a call.